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Victorian Tax Services

We advise and assist on a range of Victorian state taxes including the following:

  • Stamp/transfer duty, foreign additional purchaser duty, absentee owner land tax.
  • Land tax and vacant residential land tax (VRLT).
  • Landholder duty in relation to transfers, redemptions and issues of shares in private companies and units in private unit trusts.
  • Commercial and industrial property tax (CIPT) and its relationship with duty and land tax.
  • Payroll tax, congestion levy, fire services property levy and other Victorian state taxes.
  • The availability and appropriateness of applying for a duty exemption on transfers such as possible exemptions relating to transfers from an SMSF trustee to the members personally and from a discretionary trust to a beneficiary.
  • Representation in any review, investigation, dispute resolution, objection or appeal including assisting with representing taxpayers in relation to Victorian State Revenue Office (SRO) investigations, objecting against assessments and provide assistance with Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) reviews and briefing barristers to appear in court proceedings relating to state taxes in Victoria.

Note that we only advise and assist in relation to Victorian state taxes as the law and practice differs markedly in each other Australian jurisdiction.

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