Why should I choose a DBA Lawyers SMSF deed?
In short, DBA Lawyers’ SMSF deed and related documentation is up to date and of the highest quality in Australia. Please click here for more information.
What are the features of DBA Lawyers SMSF deed or where can I get more information?
DBA Lawyers have the best SMSF deed and documents available offering many value-added benefits that are not available in most other deeds. Additionally, our SMSF deed also comes with a PDS, BDBN template, memo and much more. Please click here and here for more information.
Should my SMSF have a corporate trustee or individual trustees?
We strongly recommend that an SMSF have a sole purpose corporate trustee, rather than individual trustees. Please click here for more information.
Does my deed need updating?
Given there are regular developments and changes (including legislative, regulatory, practical and strategic) occurring on an ongoing basis we generally recommend that an SMSF deed be updated on at least a 5-yearly cycle. For more information about significant changes relating to SMSFs that will require deed updates, click here for more information.
Why should I order a company from DBA Lawyers?
DBA Lawyers offer unique services and documentation for new companies and constitution upgrades. We also offer many value-added features not found elsewhere. For information, click here.
Why should I order a trust from DBA Lawyers?
DBA Lawyers offer high quality, innovative trust deed packages that provide maximum flexibility in relation to the latest planning strategies and are regularly reviewed and revised so that the latest tax and trust law changes are reflected. For information click here and here.
Is GST included in the price?
All prices quoted on this website include GST unless otherwise stated.
For hardcopy, an additional fee of $140 typically applies for each suite of documents that we need to print, bind, place tabs in relevant spots in documents for execution, arrange express post and related attendances (including providing a A4 binder and dividers where relevant).
Ordering Documents
How do I order?
Order online by selecting the ‘Order Online’ button located at the top of the relevant document page. Alternatively, select ‘Online Ordering’ at the top of our main page and search for the relevant document once you have logged in.
Registration for new users is required to use our online ordering portal. When ordering online you get a quicker turn around and many other benefits, with no compromise on quality.
Alternatively, you can select the ‘Download Order Form’ button located on each document page. Completed order forms should be emailed to [email protected]. Please note that online orders receive priority service.
Should I send in payment when I send in the order form?
Payment should only be made once an invoice has been issued to you.
How do I pay DBA Lawyers for documents or other legal services?
We issue an invoice with the documents emailed to you. For other legal services we generally invoice at regular intervals or on completion of each assignment. Payments can be made via credit card, electronic funds transfer (‘EFT’) and cheque.
Please see the instructions on our invoice which provide:
- If paying by CREDIT CARD: go to by Commonwealth Bank) and in reference number enter invoice reference, eg: WKG1234
- If paying by EFT: BSB is 063215, account number is 10247596 and in description enter the invoice reference, eg: WKG1234
- If paying by CHEQUE: post cheque and the payment slip (on invoice) to DBA Lawyers Pty Ltd, PO Box 2085, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205
We prefer payment via EFT.
What does ‘POA’ mean?
POA stands for ‘price on application’. If a document page is marked POA, we can provide an estimate once we receive your instructions and we are clear on what you require us to do.
Will you ever charge me more than the amount quoted on this website?
As a general rule, no. However, where a document is ordered without a completed DBA order form or without complete documents provided, we may need to contact you to advise that in order to complete the matter the quoted fee may need to be adjusted.
Also note that disbursements such as stamp duty, ASIC fees, courier costs and other like costs are generally not included in our fee proposals but are added to the invoice. Also, prices do not include our time involved in advising you, assisting you to complete the documents or attending to the lodgement of forms (eg, with the ATO or State Revenue Office for duty assessment).
Therefore, advice and special instructions may give rise to an additional fee for professional services where it is outside the scope of a standard document order. Naturally, you will be advised if any additional charge applies. Consultations, conferences and advice are charged at our hourly fee rates. If the service/document you order requires additional work, we will contact you for your approval before commencing the additional work.
Are all prices quoted in Australian dollars?