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Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF Deed (2024-25)

DBA Lawyers latest SMSF governing rules and related documents include many value-added features. This article briefly explains why our SMSF documents are the best available. Recent changes to DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules Our latest DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules (version 2024-25) comes with the following upgrades: enhanced wording to cater for Div 296 tax; [read more]


Draft legislation issues on proposed NALE changes

In January 2023 Treasury proposed a lower than arm’s length (or nil) expense (NALE) be multiplied by five. For example, NALE of $1,000 would therefore give rise to $5,000 (5 x $1,000) of non-arm’s length income (NALI), taxed at 45% ($5,000 x 45%); resulting in $2,250 tax or an effective tax rate of 225%. (See our [read more]


New draft NALE/I laws released … highly relevant for property developers and builders

On Monday 19 June 2023, Treasury released an exposure draft to alter the non-arm’s length income (NALI) laws. While a ‘2 multiple’ cap is proposed for certain expenses, the exposure draft legislation — if implemented — could have a significant impact for the SMSF industry. One aspect in particular stands out that is highly relevant to [read more]

ace of hearts

Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF deed (2023-24)

DBA Lawyers latest SMSF governing rules and related documents include many value-added features. This article briefly explains why our SMSF documents are the best available. Recent changes to DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules Our latest DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules (version 2023-24) comes with the following upgrades: express power for the proposed $3m+ tax on [read more]

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The world is changing – is your SMSF deed up to date?

Every year, ongoing changes are made to our super, tax and related laws that impact SMSFs. Failing to respond to these changes can result in SMSF trustees failing to maximise opportunities, being limited in their actions and being exposed to legal and other risks. For example, an SMSF deed with limited investment powers may be [read more]

hand pulls the card ace of hearts close up

Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF deed (2022-23)

DBA Lawyers latest SMSF governing rules and related documents include many value-added features. This article briefly explains why our SMSF documents are the best available. Recent changes to DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules Our latest DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules (version 2022-23) comes with the following upgrades: express exclusion of reg 6.17A given the High [read more]


Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF deed (2021-22)

DBA Lawyers latest SMSF governing rules and related documents includes many value-added features. This article briefly explains why our SMSF documents are the best available. Recent changes to DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules Our latest DBA Lawyers’ SMSF governing rules (version 2021-22) comes with the following upgrades: expanded Trustee investment powers in respect of any [read more]

Business And New Year Concept Of Budget Planning 2021. Fliped Wo

Budget impact on legacy pensions

The 2021–22 Federal Budget (released on 11 May 2021) announced changes for some — but not all — legacy pensions. In this article, we examine the strategic implications, remaining questions and what advisers should do for clients with certain legacy pensions. Background — pre 2007 Originally SMSFs were able to commence paying members ‘defined benefit pensions’. [read more]

Six member SMSFs –– the pros and cons

Six member SMSFs –– the pros and cons

Overview The prospect of six member SMSFs has moved a step further when the Treasury Laws Amendment (Self-Managed Superannuation Funds) Bill 2020 (‘Bill’) was recently introduced into Parliament. If the Bill is finalised as law in November, the increase to the maximum allowable number of members for an SMSF could commence as early as 1 [read more]


Labor’s superannuation and related proposals

Daniel Butler, Director ([email protected]) and Shaun Backhaus, Lawyer ([email protected]) The next Federal election, according to our current Prime Minister Mr Scott Morrison, will be held in May 2019 and, if the Labor Government is elected, significant change is likely. Thus, a brief ‘stock take’ of what the superannuation landscape will look like under a Labor Government [read more]