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Constitution Update

DescriptionSoftcopy *
Update a constitution for a Pty Ltd company$500
* Additional fees for hardcopy documents apply. Click here

  • Pricing includes GST
  • Unless documents are ordered online at an extra fee applies per suite of documents. See here
  • If there are more than 6 shareholders, an extra fee of $100 applies for each extra shareholder (as our lawyers generally have to prepare and review at least an additional 3 extra documents per shareholder).

DBA offers unique services and documentation to update constitutions for existing companies. We offer many value added features not found elsewhere.

Director identification numbers

All directors must apply for a director identification number (DIN) before being appointed as a director.

When ordering a company, you declare that each director has a DIN or has applied for one. Significant penalties apply for any breach.

Note that directors must apply for a DIN themselves; advisers are not allowed to apply on their behalf. Advisers can however assist by guiding their clients on the process

You can apply for a DIN via Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS).

Click here for more information.

Advantages of a DBA company

DBA’s constitution is strategically drafted for all companies, including where the company will trade in its own right, or where it acts as the trustee of an SMSF, discretionary trust or unit trust.

DBA is recognised as Australia’s leading self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) law firm and has used this expertise to prepare a constitution that allows for strategic SMSF planning.

What’s included

  • Covering letter
  • Relevant directors and shareholder resolutions and other related documents
  • Company Constitution
  • Nomination of successor director form
  • Company Memo

For more information regarding the features of a DBA company or to order a new company, please click here to view our company page.

Our constitution includes successor directors. For further reading on the advantages of having a successor director, click on the articles listed below:

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