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SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service

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SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service from $2,000

Succession planning is a critically important aspect of successfully operating an SMSF. Every SMSF member should develop a personal succession plan to ensure there is a smooth process in place to govern succession to control of the fund that fits in with their other estate and succession planning arrangements. In times of uncertainty and heightened risk of illness, this is even more critical than ever.

DBA Lawyers SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service

DBA Lawyers provide a personalised SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service to assist clients with their SMSF succession plans, helping them achieve their objectives with as much certainty as possible and minimising future risk of legal challenge.

This service involves an appointment with one of our expert lawyers to discuss your SMSF succession planning needs or a general SMSF diagnostic. We gain a detailed understanding of your individual circumstances and goals and provide feedback on the key options and strategies available to implement those goals.

What is succession planning?

SMSF succession planning broadly aims to ensure that:

  • the right people receive the intended proportion of SMSF money and assets; and
  • the right people gain control of the SMSF to ensure that superannuation benefits are paid as intended; and
  • outcomes are provided in a timely and legally effective manner, with minimal uncertainty and in as tax efficient manner as possible

right person

Naturally, clients may have more specific goals such as retaining the maximum amount in the superannuation environment (eg, making a pension revert to a surviving spouse) and retaining specific assets in the family blood line (eg, where superannuation is paid to the deceased member’s executors and managed in a testamentary trust for the deceased’s spouse and/or children) and we can tailor our services to achieve specific objectives.

Typical issues covered by our SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service

In recent SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service assignments, we have encountered several common issues that may be relevant for a number of our clients. For more information, click here.

General considerations in succession planning

While there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution and each succession plan should be tailored to suit the client’s circumstances and goals, there are some important general considerations. For more information, click here.

DBA requirements and fee information

For information about our requirements and fees involved in our SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service, click here.

For more information and related articles

For more information about our SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service, click on the article listed below:

For more information on the importance of succession planning, click on the articles listed below:

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