Non-arm’s length income (NALI) applies a 45% tax to both ordinary and statutory income of a superannuation fund. A net capital gain is statutory income. However, how does NALI interact with the capital gains tax (CGT) provisions? The ATO has recently released Tax Determination (TD) 2024/5 to outline its current view on the interaction between [read more]
SMSF Newsfeed
Why you should order discretionary trusts from DBA Lawyers
While DBA is recognised as Australia’s leading SMSF law firm, it is also well known for its trust law experience and trust documents. We believe that we offer an excellent discretionary trust deed that is easy to read, provides great flexibility and reflects the latest legal developments. As lawyers advising on discretionary trust issues and [read more]
Will auto-reversionary pensions need reconsidering in view of div 296 tax?
Many advisers favour automatically reversionary pensions (ARPs) as a popular strategy for SMSF succession planning. Indeed, in recent times, ARPs have gained prominence and have often been seen as the default choice by many. For instance, some focus on the 12-month deferral of the transfer balance account (TBA) credit for the reversionary beneficiary, with the [read more]
Which to use: ‘an’ SMSF or ‘a’ SMSF?
The short answer is ‘an’ SMSF. The medium answer is that it probably does not really matter, because whichever you use, your reader will almost certainly understand you. However, there is a longer and, we dare say, more fascinating answer. The rule that most of us would recall from school is that we should use [read more]
What ATO publications can be relied on?
The ATO is a large bureaucracy and produces a lot of guidance material. Thus it is important that advisers and taxpayers understand the range of material (or products) published by the ATO and the level of protection that each provides. Generally, the ATO feels bound by its published material from an administrative viewpoint. However, only [read more]
Katz v Grossman [2005] NSWSC 934 revisited –– why a corporate trustee is much better than individual trustees
Introduction This case note was prepared shortly after the Katz v Grossman decision was handed down in late 2005 and I have updated this newsfeed as it remains relevant today and is a great ‘war story’ for advisers. Indeed, there has been a great number of cases that have since added to our understanding in [read more]
Why seek SMSF, tax or other advice from a lawyer –– are there any benefits?
In light of recent changes to the professional and ethical obligations on tax practitioners, it is important for clients and advisers to consider who to seek guidance from. This article discusses certain advantages of engaging a lawyer for advice or assistance. Background The Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (Cth) (TASA) has recently been amended to [read more]
Should an SMSF auditor perform a title search for each title each year?
As a lawyer, I do a lot of work advising and representing approved SMSF auditors who are being audited/reviewed by the ATO and/or who have been referred to ASIC. In September, I will present on this topic at the SMSF Association’s ‘SMSF Audit Day’. More specifically, I will present a topic titled ‘Facing the Regulators: [read more]
Executing deeds: Ensuring validity across all Australian jurisdictions
Historically, deeds were required to be written on paper (or parchment or vellum), as well as being signed, sealed and delivered. Recently, however, there have been numerous legislative developments that allow for deeds to be executed electronically, subject to certain requirements. These requirements differ depending on the Australian state/territory’s laws the deed is subject to. [read more]
Corporations law consent requirements should not be overlooked when registering a new company
The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (CA) contains a number of important requirements in relation to registering new companies with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). These requirements mandate, among other things, that certain written consents and agreements must be in place for all proposed directors, secretaries and shareholders of a new company prior to [read more]