We regularly establish trusts for a wide range of advisers and clients throughout Australia. We also advise on and prepare a range of documents for trusts including investment structuring, succession and various types of variations to trusts.
Our tax (including duty and land tax) expertise is invaluable in offering quality advice and documentation. Our trust documents are regularly updated due to the ongoing changes and legal developments. Moreover, obtaining trusts from suppliers without legal and tax expertise is now extremely risky.
For pricing related to our various suites of standard trust documents please see our Price List.
For our services relating to our tax advice and assistance including duty exemptions and other tax issues relating to trusts please refer to our Tax Services.
Please contact us to discuss volume pricing.
Our range of general trusts services and indicative pricing include:
Review of trust deed and provision of reportThis service involves us reviewing the trust deed and reporting back on possible amendments. The review will cover the following items: income streaming, appointor powers, investment powers, financial reporting requirements and vesting date. |
$990 |
Change of trust nameVariation of trust deed to change the name of the trust. |
$440 |
Foreign person exclusionVariation of Family/Discretionary trust deed to exclude ‘Foreign Persons’ (or similar term) for a single or multiple jurisdictions for duties and land tax purposes. Note that the standard fee covers 1 jurisdiction. Each additional jurisdiction incurs a $200 fee. |
$990 DBA Deed $1,250 Non-DBA Deed |
Variation for streaming and to improve tax provisionsVariation to a trust deed for tax purposes such as including appropriate income determination and streaming provisions. |
$1,250 |
Variation for Appointor and Successor Appointor provisionsVariation for inclusion of Appointor and Successor Appointor provisions. We insert a range of provisions for the smooth functioning of the Appointor and Successor Appointor provisions. |
$1,250 |
Variation for investment power provisionsVariation to a trust deed to provide for broad and modern investment powers, allowing for investments in all types of investments and assets including such as cryptocurrencies. |
$1,250 |
Change of appointorDocuments to effect a change of appointor of an existing trust. |
$770 |
Documents for a current appointor to make a Successor Appointor nominationNote that we recommend the appointor provisions are reviewed to ensure they meet your needs and are varied if necessary. |
$660 |
Winding up or vestingWinding up/vesting a discretionary trust that does not have significant assets or any dutiable property. The documents are prepared on the basis that the Trust holds total assets less than $5,000, and no assets that are situated outside Australia. |
$660 |
Change of Trustee for a discretionary trustDocuments to effect a change of trustee of an existing trust. |
$770 |
RenunciationInstead of amending a deed to exclude certain existing beneficiaries, these documents can be signed by the ‘existing’ beneficiary to renounce all present and future rights as a beneficiary which they may have under the trust. |
$990 Click to order here |
Variation to amend reporting requirementsFrom July 2021 changes to the Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) have meant that trust deeds that were in existence as of 1 July 2021 that expressly require trustees to prepare financial statements in accordance with the AAS are required to prepare general purpose financial statements and not special purpose statements. These documents will remove the requirements to prepare statements in accordance with AAS. |
$440 |
Extension to vesting dateMany trusts were established with a vesting date of less than 80 years. These documents will act to vary the vesting day to be ‘one day before the 80th anniversary of the commencement date of the trust’. |
$660 |
Managing unpaid present entitlements – Family TrustsDocuments to notify a beneficiary of an unpaid present entitlement for the purposes of section 100A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth). These documents provide a single-use licence for a single discretionary trust |
$440 |
Sundry variationsThere may be a need to add or subtract wording or a power to/from a trust deed, eg, at the request of a bank or lender. Our lawyers can review your request and confirm what is needed. |
Adding/removing beneficiaries of a discretionary trustCare is needed before adding/removing a beneficiary as significant tax liabilities can arise if this is not properly managed. |
POA Click to order here |
Trusts – Business servicesWe can assist with establishment, structuring, equity events and succession including establishing or varying business structures including partnerships of family trusts. Click here for more. |
Trusts – Tax servicesWe assist and advise on various taxation matters relating to trusts and other structures, particularly in relation to representation for clients in ATO and SRO matters including regulatory review and audits and responding to information requests, reviews and appeals. Click here for more. |
POA Click to order here |
For more information and related articles
For more information regarding why you should choose a DBA discretionary trust, click on the articles listed below:
- ATO checklist for trust distribution
- Why you should order discretionary trusts from DBA Lawyers
- Your discretionary trust may unwittingly be subject to extra duty or land tax
- DBA Lawyers’ discretionary trust –– managing the extra duty and land tax surcharges on foreigners
- SMSF deeds – which supplier should you use: a law firm or a non-qualified supplier?
- NSW duty and land tax surcharge changes – action needed before 31 December 2019
We commonly deal with a variety of other trust matters. If you have any other trust queries or requirements please contact us to discuss.