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SMSF Trustee Compliance Kit

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SMSF Trustee Compliance Kit$440
Pricing includes GST

This Kit provides a single licence for multi-use by the same SMSF for a 12 month period (eg, to document a number of trustee resolutions for the same SMSF).


  • contains guidance and template documentation on how to record trustee resolutions and minute keeping
  • these minutes relate to numerous changes that may occur to an SMSF including admitting a new member, retiring a member, and acquiring a new asset
  • the format of different resolutions, such as circulating resolutions (where there is no need for a meeting), meeting minutes, sole director record of decisions, etc, are included in this kit
  • the kit is also very handy for advisers whom wish to draft resolutions on behalf of their SMSF clients

What’s included

  • Detailed explanation of the mechanics of having an effective trustee meeting including how to make resolutions, appoint a chair, action items, agendas, etc
  • 18 different sets of trustee resolutions to cater for a range of common situations faced by SMSF trustees
  • Pro-formas for meeting minutes, circulating resolutions and sole director records of decisions
  • Includes documents needed to record a lump sum payment if the fund has individual trustees

For more reading refer to our newsfeed: SMSF Trustee Compliance Kit