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SMSF Newsfeed

What is a reversionary pension?

New hope to exit legacy pensions

Yesterday, Treasury released exposure draft regulations to allow people to exit certain legacy pensions. This expands on and supports implementation of the 2021–22 Budget measure to allow exiting certain legacy retirement products. For some this will be highly welcome news! In the next SMSF Online Update, Bryce Figot will unpack these regulations in detail, discussing: [read more]


Approved SMSF auditors and new ATO statistics — what does the ATO reveal?

As a lawyer, I do a substantial amount of work advising and representing approved SMSF auditors who are being audited/reviewed by the ATO and/or who have been referred to ASIC. Accordingly, I paid considerable attention to certain new statistics that the ATO released recently regarding ‘SMSF auditor case outcomes 2023–24. ATO referrals to ASIC are [read more]


How does NALI interact with CGT –– TD 2024/5

Non-arm’s length income (NALI) applies a 45% tax to both ordinary and statutory income of a superannuation fund. A net capital gain is statutory income. However, how does NALI interact with the capital gains tax (CGT) provisions? The ATO has recently released Tax Determination (TD) 2024/5 to outline its current view on the interaction between [read more]

Close up of typewriter and Deed of trust

Why you should order discretionary trusts from DBA Lawyers

While DBA is recognised as Australia’s leading SMSF law firm, it is also well known for its trust law experience and trust documents. We believe that we offer an excellent discretionary trust deed that is easy to read, provides great flexibility and reflects the latest legal developments. As lawyers advising on discretionary trust issues and [read more]

What is a reversionary pension?

Will auto-reversionary pensions need reconsidering in view of div 296 tax?

Many advisers favour automatically reversionary pensions (ARPs) as a popular strategy for SMSF succession planning. Indeed, in recent times, ARPs have gained prominence and have often been seen as the default choice by many. For instance, some focus on the 12-month deferral of the transfer balance account (TBA) credit for the reversionary beneficiary, with the [read more]

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Law Institute Victoria SMSF Specialist The Tax Institute