In this episode with the SMSFAdvisor Show, Daniel Butler, Director of DBA Lawyers, explains Treasury’s recent consultation on the non-arm’s length rules and what it means for SMSF professionals. He discusses in detail how the proposed changes would operate and how the industry has reacted so far.. [read more]
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Coming clean with the regulator – The SMSFAdviser Show
By Daniel Butler on 17/11/2022 in ATO, Audit, Corporate trustees, Podcast, SMSF compliance, SMSF strategy, Taxation, Trustee education
In this podcast with the SMSFAdviser Show, Daniel Butler, Director of DBA Lawyers, provides tips and insights on guiding SMSF clients through the ATO’s early engagement and voluntary disclosure service. With contraventions on the rise, big penalties that can be imposed and the ATO undertaking more reviews, Dan explains the types of circumstances [read more]