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2017 Supreme Court challenge to BDBN fails due to valid service on corporate trustee

William Fettes, Senior Associate, Bryce Figot, Special Counsel, DBA Lawyers Disclaimer: DBA Lawyers provided advice to one of the parties in Cantor Management Services Pty Ltd v Booth. We only mention facts made publicly available in the judgement. The recent decision of Cantor Management Services Pty Ltd v Booth [2017] SASCFC 122 provides important guidance [read more]


Recent court decisions clarify protection of death benefit payments to bankrupts

Daniel Butler ([email protected]), Director and Bryce Figot, Special Counsel, DBA Lawyers Broadly, a member’s interest in a superannuation fund is fully protected upon bankruptcy. This protection even extends to lump sums being paid to the bankrupt. A question that may arise is whether this would be true if the benefit being received by the bankrupt [read more]

SMSF succession planning

Perry v Nicholson [2017] QSC 163: important lessons on SMSF succession planning

By Bryce Figot, Special Counsel and Daniel Butler, Director, DBA Lawyers The recent decision of Perry v Nicholson [2017] QSC 163 contains various important lessons for SMSF succession planning. Facts The Colin Maurice Superannuation Fund was established on 17 September 2009. The original trustees were Colin Maurice (‘Deceased’) and his adult daughter Sonia Perry, with [read more]

New aat decision good news SMSF real estate developments via unit trusts

New AAT decision is good news for SMSF real estate developments via unit trusts

The recent decision of FLZY and Commissioner of Taxation [2016] AATA 348 is good news for SMSF real estate developments via unit trusts. Background Many SMSFs want to have some investment exposure to real estate development. A popular structure is for the SMSF to invest in a related unit trust and then the unit trust [read more]

When does an interdependency relationship exist between adult children and parents? The first AAT decision ever on point released

When does an interdependency relationship exist between adult children and parents? The first AAT decision ever on point released!

Given the rising cost of housing, adult children are living with their parents for longer. Also, parents have more in superannuation than ever before. Because adult children might have moved out and then returned, such children are sometimes referred to as ‘boomerang children’. An important question is whether, when their parents die, do such ‘boomerang [read more]

Death benefits dependant: Can an interdependency relationship exist between deceased child and parent

Death benefits dependant: Can an interdependency relationship exist between deceased child and parent?

This article looks at whether a parent and deceased child can be in an interdependency relationship for the purpose of satisfying the definition of death benefits dependant in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (‘ITAA97’). This article follows the AAT decision in TBCL and Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2016] AATA 264 (‘TBCL’). [read more]

Managing tax losses in an SMSF - impact of Payne's decision

Managing tax losses in an SMSF – impact of Payne’s decision

A recent decision Re Trustee for the Payne Superannuation Fund and FCT [2015] AATA 58 examines how the ATO are examining whether SMSFs are appropriately carrying forward tax losses and apportioning expenses when they are partly in pension mode. Prior to analysing the implications of this decision, we will first examine a general overview of [read more]