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Why order a DBA Trust?

Some good reasons to use our trust deeds

  • DBA provides high quality, innovative trust deed packages that provide maximum flexibility in relation to the latest planning strategies.
  • Buying a quality package actually saves you money. Our deeds are regularly reviewed and revised by some of Australia’s leading tax and succession planning lawyers so that the latest tax and trust law changes are accommodated. Each deed package is reviewed and signed-off by a lawyer.
  • DBA focuses on trust documentation and related services. We work at the ‘coal face’, handling technical queries on a daily basis. We have the resources and technical skills to keep up to date with ongoing developments and provide ongoing technical support and assistance throughout the life of the trust.
  • Our trust deeds are written to be easily understood and the trust easily administered. We cater for different types of amounts to be included in tax law income to ensure the deed is not restricted to trust law income. Our trust deeds are maintained by experienced taxation lawyers who keep abreast of important court or tribunal cases, ATO rulings or legislative amendments which affect the operation of our trusts.

The importance of a quality trust deed

  • Many other suppliers of trust deeds are using antiquated precedents and do not provide technical support, which can give rise to significant tax and legal problems.
  • A trust is difficult to vary. A subsequent variation of a trust deed can give rise to a raft of tax and stamp duty issues.
  • Because DBA is a leading tax, estate planning and superannuation law firm, we also provide related tax and succession planning advice and services.