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DBA Lawyers announces new directors

DBA Lawyers is pleased to announce the promotion of William Fettes and Shaun Backhaus as new directors of the firm. This promotion recognises their ongoing commitment to outstanding client service, improving their technical and legal expertise and their ongoing valuable contribution to clients and the firm. William and Shaun’s appointment as directors adds to DBA [read more]


Katz v Grossman [2005] NSWSC 934 revisited –– why a corporate trustee is much better than individual trustees

Introduction This case note was prepared shortly after the Katz v Grossman decision was handed down in late 2005 and I have updated this newsfeed as it remains relevant today and is a great ‘war story’ for advisers. Indeed, there has been a great number of cases that have since added to our understanding in [read more]


SMSFs –– the CGT withholding regime on property transfers is far broader than many think

Most people by now may be aware of the non-resident capital gains tax withholding obligations (Withholding Regime), which arise for vendors disposing of certain taxable property. Broadly, the Withholding Regime was introduced to allow the Federal Government to obtain tax in respect of foreign vendors. However, the Withholding Regime applies to most transfers of real [read more]

Male lawyer discussing negotiation legal case with client meeting with document contract in office, law and justice, attorney, lawsuit concept.

SMSF denied complying status – recent AAT decision

The recent AAT decision in Driscoll and Commissioner of Taxation [2021] AATA 3892 has important implications that all SMSF professionals (and trustees) should be aware of. We explore the facts, the implications and the lessons learnt from this case in this article. Facts On 23 January 2009, the Driscoll Superannuation Fund (Fund) was established. Mr Driscoll [read more]


Director identification numbers needed soon

Background On 22 June 2020, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Registries Modernisation and Other Measures) Act 2020 (Cth)) received royal assent, which introduced the requirement for all directors of a company in Australia to have a director identification number (DIN). The purpose of introducing DINs is to prevent the use of fictitious director identities, assist regulators [read more]

Splitting documents should not be overlooked

Splitting documents should not be overlooked

Where a relationship breakdown has occurred between spouses, the parties’ superannuation entitlements may be subject to an overall family law property settlement. Typically this involves one spouse agreeing to or otherwise being required to give up some of their superannuation benefits in favour of the other spouse based on appropriately drafted orders or financial agreements. [read more]

The proportioning rule is key to many super strategies

The proportioning rule is key to many super strategies

Introduction The proportioning rule is used to calculate the tax free and taxable components of a superannuation benefit. Having a sound understanding of this rule is key to many super strategies. Overview –– proportioning rule The proportioning rule provides that the tax free and taxable components of a superannuation benefit are taken to be paid [read more]

Electronic execution of deeds by individuals

Electronic execution of deeds by companies

In the context of social distancing and the ‘work-from-home’ culture COVID-19 has demanded, corporations have had to adapt their standard means of holding meetings and executing deeds. Accordingly, on 5 May 2020, Josh Frydenberg, made a determination under the new s 1362A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (‘CA’) called the Corporations (Coronavirus Economic Response) [read more]

Idea, plan, action, success. List with the check marks. Business strategy: idea, plan, action, success. Red pencil and a checklist with red marks. 3D Illustration

SMSF Succession Diagnostic Service

Click here to provide your instructions For many Australians, SMSF investments are a key component of their retirement savings and wealth creation strategies. For example, the ATO confirmed there were more than 600,000 SMSFs with an average value of more than $1.27 million for the quarter ended 30 September 2019. Unfortunately, many do not plan [read more]