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Pension commutation (full or partial)

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Pension commutation (full or partial) (including to fall within the transfer balance cap) — fully or partially commute an ABP or TRIS (includes option of cashing lump sum asset(s) in specie) $440

Why should you use us?

Our expert lawyers’ regularly review and revise our documents

Our documents are regularly reviewed and revised to ensure they reflect the latest superannuation, tax and related practical and strategic developments. Each suite of documents is reviewed and approved by one of our lawyers. DBA Lawyers can also provide related superannuation, tax and succession planning advice.

We provide advice and assistance

We stay up to date with key developments and our lawyers can provide strategic advice and assistance as needed. This enables us to focus on providing the best SMSF documentation and related services and handle technical queries on an ongoing basis.

Our documents are easily understood

Our documents are written to be clear, concise, effective and easily understood. Our documents have been tested in various legal challenges and courts and our drafting has withstood the strongest scrutiny.

Ideally, our documents work best on the DBA Lawyers’ SMSF deed. However, our commutation documents are also designed to work on other SMSF deeds.

We also offer numerous SMSF Kits to assist SMSF trustees and advisers.

What’s included

We supply comprehensive documents that comply with relevant law and best practice for pension commutation including:

  • Covering letter and completion checklist
  • Trustee resolutions
  • Member request
  • Confirming Trustee Resolutions (for subsequent use if the figures have changed from those reflected in the initial trustee resolutions)
  • Pension Commutation (full or partial) Memo

Shortcomings in other suppliers’ commutation documents

Many other suppliers merely supply documents, some from questionable sources, without having any technical depth or qualifications to provide legal, tax or strategic advice. Some suppliers use outdated precedents and do not provide technical support, which can give rise to significant legal, regulatory and tax risks. We are aware, for example, of commutation documents that do not:

  • comply with the requirements in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) (SISR) which therefore may expose the trustees/members to risk
  • come with a detailed memorandum to provide the SMSF trustees/members with the required information to make an informed decision; and
  • claim to have legal sign-off but if you read the supplier’s terms and conditions, the supplier disclaims responsibility and recommends that you get the documents reviewed and approved by a qualified lawyer before using them