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Author Archive | Bryce Figot

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Here are my most recent posts


New draft NALE/I laws released … highly relevant for property developers and builders

On Monday 19 June 2023, Treasury released an exposure draft to alter the non-arm’s length income (NALI) laws. While a ‘2 multiple’ cap is proposed for certain expenses, the exposure draft legislation — if implemented — could have a significant impact for the SMSF industry. One aspect in particular stands out that is highly relevant to [read more]


Webinar on SMSFs and property development … What to know about the ATO’s new Taxpayer Alert

On Friday 23 June 2023, DBA Lawyers is presenting a webinar on the recently issued ATO Taxpayer Alert TA 2023/2 discussing diverting profits of a property development project to a self managed superannuation fund, through the use of a special purpose vehicle. The ATO set out various concerns. This Taxpayer Alert is relevant for ALL [read more]


How to deal with lost trust deeds – Upcoming webinar

The issue of a lost deed can create uncertainty and complications within a trust, including a superannuation fund. When critical documents are lost, the effects can be far-reaching and cause legal and administrative complexities. Over the past four months, six important judgements have significantly evolved the law on lost deeds, providing greater certainty for trustees. [read more]

Close-up of married couple signing papers alongside with other witness or agent - can be divorce, law, liability, evidence agreement for marriage

A new case on SMSF BDBNs has key lessons for all SMSF advisers

Introduction Consider this important question: an SMSF member is married to a second spouse. The member and his second spouse are the two trustees of the SMSF. The member wishes to make a valid binding death benefit nomination (BDBN). The member however does not want to tell his second spouse about the BDBN. Does the [read more]


What is a ‘non-commutable life pension’? Can an SMSF ever pay one? New AAT decision provides critical guidance

There is a provision in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) (SISR) that on its face appears to allow a person of any age to receive their preserved benefits. More specifically, item 108 of sch 1 to the SISR appears to provide that even preserved benefits may be paid to a superannuation fund member [read more]


‘Tax of Superannuation A’ — intensive subject at Melbourne University’s Law School

Daniel Butler and I are senior fellows at Melbourne University’s Law School. I am the subject coordinator for the intensive subject ‘Tax of Superannuation A’ (LAWS90235). Dan and I both lecture the subject. The subject ran last week. On behalf of both me and Dan, it was an honour and privilege to share our knowledge [read more]


The application of SG to contractors clarified — Part 4

The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (Court) recently handed a judgment regarding how the superannuation guarantee (SG) legislation applies to certain contractors: Jamsek v ZG Operations Australia Pty Ltd (No 3) [2023] FCAFC 48 (Jamsek). This case has important implications for businesses that engage individuals where the payment is wholly or principally [read more]


Recent judgement has important implications for SMSFs with incomplete deed histories

The Victorian Court of Appeal recently handed a judgment regarding a trust with a lost deed: Vanta Pty Ltd v Mantovani [2023] VSCA 53 ( Although this involved a family trust, rather than an SMSF, this case also has important implications for SMSFs with lost trust deeds. Facts John Mantovani was born in 1960. John’s [read more]


Correcting a misconception — how TSBs are calculated with certain LRBAs (critical for new tax on $3M+ balances)

There is a common misconception as to how a total superannuation balance (TSB) is calculated. This misconception can mean that, although an individual’s ‘net’ balance might be well under $3M, they might still be liable to the announced new tax on $3M+ balances! [read more]