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smsf deed update checklist

SMSF deed update checklist

DBA Lawyers is often asked whether a particular SMSF trust deed needs to be updated. As a general guide, we recommend that SMSF trust deeds should be updated every 4–5 years, or sooner in the case of major legislative change. The last major legislative change to superannuation that warranted a blanket update for all SMSF [read more]

annual update service page update with tutorial

Annual Update Service: video demo

We have added a user-friendly tutorial video on our website that will guide you through using our Annual Update Service for the first time, or, if you are already a user and haven’t logged on to the Annual Update Service in a while then it could be handy to catch up and take a minute [read more]


Can a deed be made electronically?

In this article I am keen to answer key questions regarding the very old-fashioned legal tradition of deeds and how they interact with modern practices such as: Can a deed be executed electronically? If a lawyer drafts a 50 page deed and emails it to a client as a PDF file, if only one page [read more]

Is a lifetime pension a viable option

Is a lifetime pension a viable option?

This article considers some of the issues associated with whether a pension payable to a member can be converted to a ‘lifetime’ pension, such that the pension is automatically reversionary to the member’s spouse on their death, and then any remaining capital reverts, for example, to the deceased member’s children from a previous marriage. Case [read more]

Changing SMSF trustees — why advisers should be more alert to the tips and traps

Changing SMSF trustees — why advisers should be more alert to the tips and traps

This article examines some of the key reasons for having a company appointed as an SMSF trustee as compared to having individual trustees. It also examines some issues that can arise when advisers are preparing change of trustee documents. Why do so many SMSFs have individual trustees? SMSFs can have either have a company or [read more]

Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF deed

Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF deed

DBA Lawyers is Australia’s leading SMSF law firm. We have been refining our SMSF deed for well over 20 years, making it the best SMSF deed available. Additionally, our SMSF deed contains numerous ‘value-added’ advantages that set it apart. Accordingly, our SMSF deed offers many benefits that are not found anywhere else. All of the [read more]

Preserve the intended control of a company using successor directors

Preserve the intended control of a company using successor directors

Small private companies are widely used to manage and control financial affairs. At times they are used as companies in their own right, but they are also commonly used as trustees for SMSFs, family trusts and unit trusts. Regardless of whether a company acts as trustee or not, the directors hold day-to-day control over the [read more]