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Many strategies are based on the proportioning rule

Co-author by Daniel Butler, Director, DBA Lawyers Introduction We have had numerous queries about the proportioning rule over recent times. A common query is how does the proportioning rule apply and how do you calculate the tax free and taxable components in a superannuation benefit. This article is to assist you understand the fundamentals of [read more]


Advantages of the DBA Lawyers SMSF deed

DBA Lawyers is Australia’s leading SMSF law firm. We have been refining our SMSF deed for well over 20 years, making it the best SMSF deed available. Additionally, our SMSF deed contains numerous ‘value-added’ advantages that set it apart. Accordingly, our SMSF deed offers many benefits that are not found anywhere else. All of the [read more]

pension documents in shape

Don’t get left behind — get your pension documents in shape for 1 July 2017

DBA Lawyers has recently been inundated with requests for up to date pension documents. Our suite of pension documents is fully up to date, including partial commutation documents with a tick-a-box option allowing the partial commutation of pension capital to just under a member’s personal transfer balance cap. Also, changes to the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) [read more]

super reform resources

DBA Lawyers offers a wide array of super reform resources

Co-author by Daniel Butler, Director, DBA Lawyers We have been busy making sure our SMSF documents and training are up to date with the latest super reforms and strategies. Not surprisingly we continue to come across many SMSF documents recently acquired elsewhere that have not been updated with the recent reforms. Naturally, if you are [read more]

corporate SMSF trustee

You should have a sole purpose corporate SMSF trustee

Australian Taxation Office statistics suggest that a large majority of SMSFs have individual trustees. This is troubling, considering that sole purpose corporate SMSF trustees have been known to be superior for many years. This covers the main reasons to have a sole purpose corporate trustee. The ‘sole purpose’ indicates that the company only acts in [read more]

SMSFs and employee share schemes

SMSFs and employee share schemes

This article examines whether an SMSF can acquire shares offered under an employee share scheme (‘ESS’). What is an ESS? Broadly, an ESS (also known as an employee share plan or employee share ownership plan) typically gives employees the opportunity to purchase shares in their employer. Usually, employees are able to obtain more favourable terms [read more]

ato withholds an smsf's abn

ATO withholds an SMSF’s ABN from the Super Fund Lookup — can anything be done?

The ATO’s online Super Fund Lookup ( (‘Lookup’) contains the ATO’s record of the current compliance status of SMSFs. Employers and large superannuation funds can utilise the Lookup to determine the credentials of the SMSF (eg, whether it is treated as complying) for the purposes of super contributions and rollovers. In the normal course of [read more]