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Author Archive | Bryce Figot

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FY2014 SMSF Checklist

The end of the financial year is fast approaching. We now address some of the key items that should be considered in the lead up to 30 June 2014. DBA Lawyers offers a range of kits that can assist SMSF trustees and advisers in meeting their end of financial year obligations. For more information click [read more]


Excess non-concessional contributions to be abolished … but a trap exists!

The recent Federal Budget announcement that excess non-concessional contributions will be abolished is great news. However, there is a trap that means advisers still can’t afford to let their guard down when it comes to contributions and careful monitoring is still required. The announcement The Federal Budget contained the following announcement, which was ‘music to [read more]


Great news in the budget — excess non-concessional contributions tax!

There was some great news in last night’s budget! The government made the following announcement regarding excess non-concessional contributions: The Government will allow individuals the option of withdrawing superannuation contributions in excess of the non-concessional contributions cap made from 1 July 2013 and any associated earnings, with these earnings to be taxed at the individual’s [read more]


The deficiency in many SMSF deeds

The decision of EM Squared Pty Ltd v Hassan [2010] SASC 62 has absolutely critical implications for SMSF succession planning, yet few have ever heard of it. (The case is also sometimes cited as Re Australian Motors SA Pty Ltd Staff Superannuation Fund.) This article seeks to detail the vital messages of the case. In [read more]

nil interest SMSF loan

New ATO materials suggest non-arm’s length LRBAs = huge tax bill!

Recent ATO materials suggest non-arm’s length limited recourse borrowing arrangements will give rise to huge tax problems. More specifically, the materials suggest income derived can be non-arm’s length income (ie, taxed at 45%) where the LRBA favours the SMSF. This could come as a shock as many have incorrectly said the ATO has previously ‘green [read more]

red cherry

Preservation rules — a little known quirk and how to use it for clients to cherry pick

A little known quirk in the preservation rules can have important implications for clients. This article explains how the quirk arises, and then how to use it to advantage clients. In a nutshell the quirk allows trustees of super funds to ‘cherry pick’ whether to fund pensions from unrestricted non-preserved benefits or preserved benefits. Legislative [read more]