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Author Archive | Bryce Figot

About Bryce Figot

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Lecturing at Melbourne University — handout available

Since 2010 I’ve been lecturing at Melbourne University, presenting the SMSF component of the Master of Laws subject ‘Superannuation Law‘. Melbourne University is my ‘alma mater’. I fully enjoyed studying there for my undergraduate degrees and masters degree and I’m always very happy to be able to give back to the legal community. I’m lecturing [read more]

If this fridge is also listed in the contract, it could cause a problem

Trap for SMSF borrowings — chattels, goods, LRBAs and SMSFR 2012/1!

A regulated super fund trustee can borrow, but only subject to very prescriptive rules. One such rule is that each ‘single’ asset must be purchased with a separate limited recourse borrowing arrangement. (See, among other things, SMSFR 2012/1.) Accordingly, if a super fund trustee wants to borrow to buy two assets, this might well be [read more]

Wooster v Morris

The most important case ever in SMSF succession planning … and what it really means

Disclaimer: DBA Lawyers advised the plaintiffs during the course of litigation. We only mention facts made publicly available in the judgement. The recent decision of Wooster v Morris [2013] VSC 594 is the most important decision ever regarding SMSF succession planning. All SMSF practitioners must be aware of its facts and its vital lessons. However, [read more]

SMSF derivatives

How can SMSFs invest in derivatives?

A question that is periodically posed to advisers is the ability of SMSF trustees to invest using derivatives. There is some uncertainty as to the answer. This article seeks to provide guidance. Need for a derivatives risk statement Firstly, there is a misconception that should be addressed — the misconception that all SMSF trustees holding [read more]