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Man holding up a question mark symbol, contemplating

What is the status of contribution reserving in light of SMSFRB 2018/1?

Bryce Figot ([email protected]), Special Counsel, DBA Lawyers Earlier this month, the ATO released Self Managed Superannuation Fund Regulator’s Bulletin SMSFRB 2018/1. It contains some of the most important information available on the use of reserves for SMSFs. However, there is a vital question regarding contribution reserving that SMSFRB 2018/1 gives rise to. The question is [read more]


Webinar on SMSF reserves

Today the ATO issued SMSF Regulator’s Bulletin SRB 2018/1 ‘The use of reserves by self-managed superannuation funds’, which is the most comprehensive material that the ATO has ever released on the use of reserves in SMSF. In particular, SRB 2018/1 highlights the ATO’s concerns about new and emerging arrangements that pose potential risks to SMSFs [read more]


Presenting at CA ANZ 2017 National SMSF Conference

Dan and I are each presenting sessions at the CA ANZ 2017 National SMSF Conference in Sydney September. I’m presenting ‘Getting to Know Transfer Balance Account’ and Dan is presenting on Exempt Current Pension Income. It should be a great conference. For more information see * * * This article is for general information [read more]

SMSF succession planning

Perry v Nicholson [2017] QSC 163: important lessons on SMSF succession planning

By Bryce Figot, Special Counsel and Daniel Butler, Director, DBA Lawyers The recent decision of Perry v Nicholson [2017] QSC 163 contains various important lessons for SMSF succession planning. Facts The Colin Maurice Superannuation Fund was established on 17 September 2009. The original trustees were Colin Maurice (‘Deceased’) and his adult daughter Sonia Perry, with [read more]

intensive subject superannuation via melbourne university

DBA Lawyers lecturing at Melbourne Uni — special lectures open to public

Daniel Butler and Bryce Figot are senior fellows at Melbourne University’s Law School, lecturing the intensive subject ‘Taxation of Superannuation’. Typically, the intensive subject only runs annually or biennially. However, Melbourne University has organised several lectures open to the public regarding the upcoming superannuation reforms. For more information contact Melbourne University: Claudine Evans E: [email protected] [read more]

a hidden gem in new draft legislation

Spotlight on superannuation contributions

The rules relating to superannuation contributions are constantly changing. Consider, for example, a deceptively simple question: How much after tax contributions can a person make? Depending on when in the last 11 years this question was asked, there have been at least four answers and there will soon be a fifth answer. Similarly, consider for [read more]