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Can death benefits be paid by journal entry

Can death benefits be paid by journal entry? The ATO releases ATO ID 2015/2 and ATO ID 2015/3

Many have wanted to pay superannuation benefits — particularly death benefits — by way of mere journal entry. The ATO have clarified their position in this regard by publishing two interpretive decisions on Friday, namely, ATO Interpretive Decision ATO ID 2015/2 and ATO Interpretive Decision ATO ID 2015/3. The facts Each of ATO ID 2015/2 [read more]

Can an adult child be a tax dependan

Can an adult child be a tax dependant — ATO ID 2014/22 says yes!

ATO Interpretive Decision 2014/22 addresses the question: ‘Can an adult child be a ‘death benefits dependant’ of his or her deceased parent for the purposes of section 302-195 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth)?’ The adult child was considered to be a death benefits dependant for the purposes of this section. Tax definition [read more]


New law gives SMSF borrowing trusts breathing space

Until 4 April this year, SMSF trustees with limited recourse borrowings that were ending were faced with a problem. With the loan paid off, there was the prospect of being forced to transfer the asset to the SMSF trustee. The fear had been that to keep the asset inside the trust would give rise to [read more]


Excess non-concessional contributions to be abolished … but a trap exists!

The recent Federal Budget announcement that excess non-concessional contributions will be abolished is great news. However, there is a trap that means advisers still can’t afford to let their guard down when it comes to contributions and careful monitoring is still required. The announcement The Federal Budget contained the following announcement, which was ‘music to [read more]


The deficiency in many SMSF deeds

The decision of EM Squared Pty Ltd v Hassan [2010] SASC 62 has absolutely critical implications for SMSF succession planning, yet few have ever heard of it. (The case is also sometimes cited as Re Australian Motors SA Pty Ltd Staff Superannuation Fund.) This article seeks to detail the vital messages of the case. In [read more]


DBA Lawyers in Asset magazine — The tax trap for super death benefits paid to a deceased estate

This article originally appeared in the March 2014 edition of Asset Magazine (Financial Review). If superannuation death benefits are paid to the estate, a quirk in the law can mean higher tax and increased administration costs. Advisers are well-placed to add value by alerting clients and lawyers to this possible tax trap. Where does a [read more]